“In every project, whether it is a building, a public square or a table, we try to improve people’s daily lives, trying to respond to the particular requirements and potential of each assignment with creativity, responsibility and rigor” 

AGVA STUDIO is a creative studio founded in Barcelona in 2006 dedicated to architecture, interior design and landscaping. Our work methodology is based on a detailed analysis of the context, dialogue and research to achieve the most appropriate and suggestive solution, whatever the scale of the project. We combine creative experimentation with rigorous technical work, meticulous control of the established budget and schedule, and attention to detail. We strive every day to integrate respect for the environment into all phases of the design, construction and life cycle of buildings and other built spaces. For the development of projects and works we count with a multidisciplinary network of trusted professionals formed by excellent technicians and construction workers. Our architectural practice has been recognized with several prizes and mentions.

AGVA STUDIO is directed by Mireia Verges and Ruediger Wurth.

Mireia Verges is a licensed architect (ETSAB Barcelona and Metropolitan University of London 1999) and holds a MA in Theory and History of Architecture (ETSAB 2012). She has taught at Arquitectura LaSalle (Universitat Ramon Llull) and at the School of Design BAU (UVIC), developing as well researches about residential architecture and the relation between space and lighting design. She has collaborated in several publications dedicated to architecture and design.

Ruediger Wurth is a licensed architect. After completing training as a carpenter and working several years in the family business, located near Cologne, he studied architecture at the HTWG of Konstanz (Germany) and at the Ecole d’Architecture de Lyon. He has collaborated with renowned architectural firms in Berlin, Constance, Barcelona and Hamburg. Ruediger Wurth has extensive experience in the design and development of public space and landscaping projects.

  • Competition for the public space resulting from the coverage of the Barcelona-France railway line in Montcada and Reixac. Master plan for  Montcada Center, La Ribera and Can Sant Joan. – Third prize. First popular jury prize
  • Competition for Equipment Buildings in Reus: Alt Camp County Archive, CAP, Rehabilitation Center and Social Housing – Second Prize
  • Competition for Cultural Center and Auditorium in Vilablareix – Mention
  • Competition for Sociocultural and Convention Center in Malgrat – Third Prize
  • Bank office proposal for Arquia, Caja de Arquitectos, in Barcelona- Mention